Publish date: 2023-01-17

British catwalk queen Kate Moss, one of the world’s most photographed women, is expecting her first child, it was revealed on Thursday. Twenty-eight-year-old Kate, who has been dating publisher Jefferson Hack for the past 15 months, told British newspaper The Mirror: “It’s true. I am pregnant. The baby is due in October and I couldn’t be more delighted.”

The Croydon-born model is expected to give birth at the St John and St Elizabeth Hospital in London’s St John’s Wood – the hospital where Kate Winslet had her daughter Mia, and Liz Hurley is due to have her first child.

A fashion industry source told the Daily Express that Kate had been fast reaching the stage where she would no longer have been able to keep the pregnancy secret. “She’s really beginning to show,” the source said. The waif-like model, who used to date actor Johnny Depp, met 30-year-old Jefferson at a party for Dazed And Confused magazine, of which he is the editorial director. He famously approached her with the chat-up line: “You smell of pee.”

Kate now ranks as one of the world’s most famous fashion models and is worth an estimated £15 million. She was discovered while a still gawky 14-year-old, when a model agency scout spotted her at New York’s JFK airport.
