"Bad Santa" Should Have Won Every Single Oscar In Its Release Year And That's Just A FACT

Publish date: 2022-08-13

I'm a man of simple taste and simple proclivities. It doesn't take much to entertain me; all I need is a TV, a remote, some Grizzly wintergreen and some fried food sitting in front of me. That's why I take to the movie "Bad Santa" so much. Frankly put, it's a cinematic masterpiece handcrafted by God himself. 

I am not embellishing when I say this, it should have won every Oscar they give out. Billy Bob, the midget, and Thurman Merman were all INCREDIBLE at portraying their roles. Nobody on earth could have put forth the performances each of them did. Masterful. Even the slutty girl Santa picks up at the Bar could have had a few Oscar noms, if not a few wins. 

The costume designers should have even won an Oscar for Billy Bob's Santa costume. If you've never seen Bad Santa, here's a quick GIF to reference...

Giphy Images.

Nailed it!

Give them all the golden statues!!!! The entire film is just a work of art top to bottom, and to pay it homage, here are a few of the best clips of the entire movie:


For my money, the two best scenes in the movie are when Thurman cuts his hand making the wooden pickle for Santa and then when Santa beats the shit out of the fake donkey when he shows up to work shitfaced and on edge. I mean who hasn't been there? Who hasn't wanted to beat the absolute shit out of a donkey because their boss is all on their ass for god knows what? Just so relatable.

We drafted best Christmas movies on Dog Walk this week and I was hellbent on acquiring Bad Santa. Was I able to? I mean it IS one of the funniest movies of all time, Christmas themed or not, so whoever drafted it should have theoretically ran away with the draft. Tune in to find out!!!


PS - We're in Verdansk right now if you'd like to discuss further.

Discuss away.  
