Princess Eugenie Showed 'Solidarity' With Prince William and Kate Middleton on Christmas, Expert Say

Publish date: 2021-07-28

Royal family

Princess Eugenie has managed to stay on everyone's good side in the feud between the royal family and the Sussexes -- but one expert says she has shown 'solidarity' with Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Published on December 26, 2023

2 min read

The royal family once again made headlines this past Christmas for their annual walk to and from Christmas Day church service, during which plenty of people line up to catch a glimpse of the royals — and their outfits. Tensions have been high ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the royal family back in 2020, but they have remained close with their cousin, Princess Eugenie.

Now, though, one royal fashion expert revealed that Eugenie and her sister, Princess Beatrice, made a move of “solidarity” for Prince William and Kate Middleton this past holiday.

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie stand with Prince William and Kate Middleton, expert claims

Our fashion says a lot about us, and the royals are no exception. The royal family often wears certain colors and styles to resemble their mood or share subtle messages at any given royal engagement. And this past Christmas, one fashion expert says that Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie’s outfit choices suggest they’re trying to stand tall with William and Kate amid the Harry and Meghan drama.

Beatrice and Eugenie’s attendance at the royal Christmas shows enough on its own that they ultimately stand with the royal family, despite that they have maintained a good relationship with Harry and Meghan. But even more than that, their outfits say something, too.

“Beatrice and Eugenie showed a message of solidarity on Christmas,” Jennifer Von Walderdorff, a royal fashion expert, told GB News. “It is clear they have stayed on good terms with their cousins and see no reason to put that in jeopardy. Therefore, the sisters played it neutral this year.” Beatrice and Eugenie reportedly wore more muted colors so as not to take away from the Wales’ moment in the spotlight.

Princess Eugenie has remained on both sides of the royal family feud

Princess Beatrice has kept her opinions fairly sheltered, but Eugenie has made it clear that she has a lot of love for her cousin and his wife, Harry and Meghan. Eugenie has posted multiple times about the couple on her Instagram account, and after they moved out to California, Eugenie was the first royal to visit them.

It’s nice to know that Harry does have an ally on his side, but Eugenie has managed to remain close to all of the royals without having to choose a side. She is reportedly the one whom Harry leans on when he attends royal events, such as when he flew solo to watch his father’s coronation ceremony.

It’s possible that Eugenie is the one royal who can bring Harry and his brother back together. Harry and William have not been on speaking terms for quite a while, and the two have had a strained relationship for several years. But it seems, based on the Christmas appearance, that Eugenie still remains close with both of them, so she might be the one who can finally get Harry and William to reunite — but time will tell.
