Disclosing Death Prediction, Dennis Rodman Once Overcame Wild Bet on His Life:Hes Going

Publish date: 2021-07-15

Dennis Rodman is infamous for his party-filled lifestyle. But it came with its own set of assumptions. Some people decided to give up on the Worm after hearing all his wild stories. Some did not expect the Chicago Bulls legend to live much longer if he continued on his path, and most often, they did not give him a chance to prove to them that he could change.

At the age of 56, Rodman revealed how happy he is to have proved all the doubters wrong. He did it by himself when everyone else was against him, and this is one of his greatest accomplishments.

Dennis Rodman is happy to prove the doubters wrong

Dennis the Menace once joined Joe Buck for an exclusive interview for the Undeniable with Joe Buck show. Rodman was emotional as soon as he made it to his seat and could be seen tearing up.

Rodman revealed that he was emotional because he had proved everyone wrong. People counted him out early in his career because of his lifestyle. The 2-time DPOY said, “A lot of people counted me out and said, ‘He is gonna die at 40’. ‘He is gonna die at 45’.”

When he went to Vegas one time, Rodman saw people betting on what age he would die. This was truly surprising to him. Since then he has always had it in his mind to prove everyone wrong.

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The Bulls legend also talked about the perception of others because of the struggles he had in his life. People did not give Rodman a chance to prove himself to them. He knew that people saw him as a wild person who was out of control.

So Rodman is extremely grateful for having proven them all wrong and for being able to do that interview at the age of 56. In fact, his teammate, Michael Jordan, did not believe in him and said something similar to him once.

Michael Jordan did not believe in Rodman

Dennis Rodman really lived a wild life. Once, after losing a game to the Utah Jazz in the finals, Rodman went to party in Las Vegas and then came back to practice the very next day without having slept at all.

Michael Jordan has revealed his thoughts on Dennis Rodman’s drinking and party-filled lifestyle. Even Jordan said the same and was worried that Rodman might not get to 40. But the Worm has proved everyone wrong and is currently living well at 62 years old.

What do you think of Dennis Rodman’s lifestyle and him making it to where he is now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
