Did She FAKE Scene Where Brandi Glanville Accused Denise Richards of Affair?

Publish date: 2021-05-22

There is plenty of RHOBH Reunion drama to come as Season 10 winds to a close.

But some of that drama is playing out on social media as fans accuse Teddi Mellencamp of fakery.

Okay, so we all saw that scene on the fateful evening when Brandi Glanville first spilled the beans.

Speaking to Teddi, Kyle, and Kim, Brandi first spoke about how Denise Richards had allegedly badmouthed everyone.

Of particular interest was Teddi — Brandi said that Denise couldn’t stand anything about her.

Everyone was already upset at hearing how allegedly two-faced Denise was being … a small taste of what was yet to come.

Then, with encouragement from Kim, Brandi shared her story.

According to her, Denise had let her believe that she was in an open marriage, they had hooked up, and then she’d led Brandi to believe that it must remain secret.

Brandi was horrified for becoming her own least favorite thing — the "other woman" in someone else’s marriage.

Having been cheated on herself, she felt duped, used, and unhappy.

Naturally, it was a salacious story — one that came up more than once when the Housewives went to Rome.

But there was a conspiracy theory that has cropped up amont Housewives fans.

What if this scene wasn’t filmed before the Rome trip?

What if, instead, Brandi had filmed this after the fact.

That wouldn’t necessarily be sinister or scripted, just vaguely dishonest to fans.

It would have been reenacting a real conversation that the ladies had participated in before the Rome trip.

And we all know that reality stars are sometimes asked to repeat specific lines if production has audio problems or if there are distracting things in the environment.

So, did they whip up this scene to fill in the blanks so that viewers could see this explosive moment for themselves?

No — according to Teddi Mellencamp, who took to Instagram to share her evidence.

"To answer your questions!" she writes. "No we did not film at Kyle’s house after Rome!"

"Check the date and time above," Teddi suggests.

"I took this pic when I walked in laughing at her not being packed," Teddi explains.

"And," she adds, "all her stuff on the floor." Kyle, in this moment, reminds me of my own goofy mother.

The date of Teddi’s snap of Kyle was November 19, 2019 — one year to the day before the release of Cyberpunk 2077, though that’s likely not on Teddi’s mind.

Meanwhile, Teddi’s photos of Rome were taken from the 22-24 of November.

That may not be definitive proof, but it is evidence.

Can we authenticate screenshots? No. Anyone could fake any screenshot of anything at any time.

We discussed that when we talked about Brandi’s text history, though in that case, she had much more to offer than simple images.

Also, Bravo may have actually looked through Brandi’s texts for themselves to confirm that they are legit — which they could definitely do — before risking airing them.

We are, however, inclined to believe Teddi.

The conspiracy theory was never supported by any real evidence.

And it was always meaningless — Brandi still made the accusations, regardless of whether or not it was filmed at the time.

As many Housewives and fans have said, if Denise hadn’t made a huge deal out of things, this storyline would have played a smaller role this season.

Instead, Denise freaked out, crying at dinner, trying to sabotage footage, coming up with outlandish lies 24 hours later to point the finger at others.

She made a huge mess of things and guaranteed that she, and the claims about her, played a central role in the season. Messy.

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