Is this the UK's WORST estate? Residents live in fear of violence as streets are littered with rubbi

Publish date: 2020-09-15

RESIDENTS living on one of the UK's most notorious council estates say hellish druggy neighbours have been pooing in the front garden of a squat.

Visitors to the estate in Tottenham, North London, can expect to see bottles of pee, human poo on the ground and are being approached by drug dealers.

It comes after six months of antisocial behaviour on the Northumberland Park estate, caused by endless gangs of druggies who moved into a boarded up flat, according to neighbours.

Residents complained after the gang, thought to be drug users, were seen "taking a dump" outside another neighbour's house.

A woman who lives nearby also claimed the group bring prostitutes to the area and take drugs in the flat's front garden - which isn't far from a primary school.

Haringey Council responded to repeated complaints from locals with increased police presence on the estate, just yards from the £1billion Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, which was built in 2019.

In response, squatters at the flat appear to have daubed "f**k you snitches" on the boarded-up window of the council home they're said to be occupying.

And crime statistics from the Metropolitan Police show that last month alone, there were 49 crimes reported in the area of Northumberland Park - with violence and sexual offences and antisocial behaviour topping the list.

Vehicle crime, bike thefts and burglaries were also reported.

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And there were 300 crimes reported in the postcode, which covers just under half of Tottenham.

Of the most commonly reported crimes, there were 80 reports for violence and sexual offences, 76 reports of antisocial behaviour and 34 reports of vehicle crime.

One resident, who did not want to be named, said residents felt let down by Haringey Council.

The neighbour, who has lived on the estate for 15 years, said: "The squatters are putting the foxes out of business, because it's not the foxes going into bin bags and rustling - it's humans going in there and taking all the rubbish and it's gushing out everywhere."

He said tenants had pleaded with councillors for two bin collections per day on the trash-strewn estate, but requests were refused.

Pictures show ripped bin bags with empty bottles, food wrappers and suspiciously-stained tissues fanned out across the floor.

Who would want to live round here?

Anonymous neighbour

The unnamed neighbour added he would never bring his kids or grandkids round to his house, and fears for families living nearby - as well as young pupils at the school across the road.

He said: "When kids, they want to play out, but they can't - I don't like it."

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He added: "That's my main concern, there's a school and a playground right over there, why is this happening?"

The grandad explained how the home became free after the person renting it moved out - but he claims the council didn't get anyone new in, and didn't even realise it was empty until he informed them.

He said: "They literally just go into the garden to inject and whatever else.

"When the previous tenant moved out the council didn't know. I had to tell them. If they just got someone in there, none of this would have happened.

"This is a good hideout for them, there's loads of them. They come here in stages. It's like rats - you get rid of one lot and another lot come back.

"I've been here for 15 years but I'm trying to leave, and move out into a council swap, but with all that going on, who is going to want to come and live here?"

And another resident, Ana, told The Haringey Community Press: "There was a two-litre bottle of urine left outside.

"We have seen a couple of them take a dump outside the front door of another neighbour.

“We can sometimes smell the burning from the drugs they use. Sometimes there are broken glass pipes and drug paraphernalia lying around."

Councillor Erdal Dogan, Cabinet Member for Stronger and Safer Communities at Haringey Council told The Sun: "We want our residents to feel safe and comfortable wherever they live in the borough.

We've seen a couple of them take a dump


"We are aware of reports of drug use and antisocial behaviour around the area and are taking measures to address this.

"This includes our outreach services working in the area to engage with and offer support to anyone identified with drug or alcohol related problems.

“Northumberland Park Safer Neighbourhood police team are also carrying out regular patrols of the area when on duty and take action against any anti-social behaviour or criminal activity they identify, as well as engaging with concerned residents.


“Our Antisocial Behaviour Team is working together with the police and other partners to ensure that we are offering appropriate support to residents and considering all relevant vulnerabilities in planning future enforcement activities.

"We strongly encourage residents to report any crime and ASB to the police or the council’s Antisocial Behaviour Team so that we can work together to make Haringey a safe and pleasant place for all our residents."
